Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn Hospital

1. Teaching/Learning

The Deputy Department Head for Academic Affairs and the Chairman of the M.D. program are responsible for the medical degree program. The program director for residency training and the program director for fellowship training oversee the residency training programs and the fellowship training programs respectively.

1.1 Courses/Programs

The Department of Medicine is responsible for nine undergraduate courses of the M.D curriculum, and two courses of the Doctor of Dental Medicine curriculum. The seven graduate programs undertaken by the Department include one clinical medical science certificate program, four clinical medical science diploma programs, one Master of Science in Medicine program, and one Ph.D. in Medicine Program

1.2 Faculty

The Department of Medicine’s quality assurance process ensures that instructors are selected based on their academic qualifications, professional experiences, and moral and ethical values. The Department also retains instructors from the Thai Red Cross Society and engages lecturers in various disciplines from other external sources.

1.3 Assessment and Evaluation

Details are given in course descriptions disseminated to students. Both formative and summative assessments are carried out for all courses. Students’ status is classified at the end of each semester. The 8-grade system is used, with grades of A, B+, B, C+, C, D+, D and F being assigned to students.

2. Research

The Deputy Department Head for Research is responsible for publishing research findings and providing a research support team to assist interested faculty members. A support unit, the Clinical Epidemiology Division, organizes learning programs and offers advisory service to involved parties in order to ensure that the contents of research works and research courses are comprehensive and up to international standards. Moreover, the Department of Medicine provides academic support to other departments through the Center of Excellence (CE) and the Research Unit (RU), established to respond to Chulalongkorn University’s policy to reinforce the development towards academic excellence and its mission to explore and integrate the body of knowledge for the benefit of society.

3. Academic Services

The Department of Medicine provides medical and academic services to society, i.e. medical treatment, disease prevention, and health promotion and rehabilitation services. The Department also offers advice, organizes training courses and seminars, and publishes and exchanges academic/technical knowledge at the national level, through short-term training programs in internal medicine and other symposia/short-term training programs of the Department. Moreover, the Department also publishes “Chula Internal Medicine Journal” to circulate news/information on the advancement and innovations in the field of internal medicine.

4. Service and Support

The Department oversees support units consisting of 20 academic divisions and 17 medical treatment units. The Department’s Administrative Unit serves as the central support unit for the Department’s administrators.

Support Process Dimensions

1. Management

The Department’s administrative functions are managed by the 13-member “Department committee” comprising the Department Head, five Deputy Department Heads, and six instructors. The Board, which serves as the “Department of Medicine’s Committee”, is chaired by the Department Head. The Committee is in charge of supervising, formulating policies, setting goals, planning, defining directions, and monitoring the Department’s affairs. The Department of Medicine’s internal functions include 20 academic divisions and 17 treatment units. Twenty Divisions Heads are in charge of academic affairs (teaching/learning, research, academic services) of their respective divisions in line with the Department’s policies. Heads of the 17 treatment divisions oversee activities related to medical treatment services and students’ clinical training in patients’ wards.

2. Data, Information, and Knowledge Management

Information/news is posted regularly on bulletin boards to keep the personnel of the Department well informed. The Department’s website circulates news and information to subscribers and the general public.

3. Human Resources Management

The administrative functions comprise the Department’s Administrative Office and academic divisions. The staff in one group are under the Faculty of Medicine. They are further divided into two categories, those engaged in academic affairs (Line A) and those engaged in support functions (Lines C/D). The other group consists of personnel from the Thai Red Cross Society, also further categorized as academic (medical) staff and supporting staff (scientists, lab technicians, clerical staff). In addition, there are research assistants in each academic division whose compensations/salaries are funded by external sources.

4. Budget are Financial Management

The Department mobilizes funds from various sources to systematically support the Department’s operations. The annual government budget is allocated through the Faculty of Medicine. Other financial sources are the Division’s and the Department’s funds deposited with the Faculty of Medicine. There is also money donated to the Department for various purposes.

5. Monitoring, Preventing and Responding to Misconducts

A team in charge of the Department’s overall educational risk management comprises the Chairman of the M.D. program, the program director for residency training and the program director for fellowship training. They manage educational risks and misconducts at all levels. The Deputy Department Head for Services and the Chairman of the Coordinating Committee for Patients Care monitor risks related to medical practice and professional ethics.

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